Roll up, roll up – Get your circus themed makeup and hair right here…
Suffice to say we were dancing round the office when Bestival released their theme as ‘The Circus’. Since Britney’s 2008 album (how was that 16 YEARS AGO and how did ‘If You Seek Amy’ not make it to NO.1?) we have seen the theme embraced by many an event including raves, boat parties and even weddings. Now we have a 4-day festival to look forward to and the tagline ‘The Most Colourful Show On Earth’ provides the perfect opportunity to get especially creative with your festival fashion.
For those who are as giddy as us about like, the best festival theme ever, and looking to go full on circus with face paint, costumes and props, we’ve sourced an array of Bestival-worthy circus makeup and hair ideas to get those creative juices flowing.
The Clown

Likely the first character that comes to mind for the circus theme and one of the easiest to adopt.
There are no rules for clowns (they have free rein to lurk in drains and fold themselves into refrigerators) and no rules concerning hair and makeup.
Whether you’re into bright and bold, pretty pastel, classy vintage or the phobia inducing variety, you’ll find inspiration aplenty to create your own imaginative design.
Keziah wears the Extra Large Purple Afro Wig. Lola wears the Pink Extra Large Afro Wig. Sam wears the Goth Muse Wig. Sara wears the Dark Revolt Wig. Lucii wears the Unicorn Rainbow Wig.
The Ringmaster

A top hat is the only prop needed to cement a ringmaster costume, allowing for serious scope with your interpretation. The awesome Raven George shows off 2 contrasting ringmaster makeup designs, embracing both the traditional and down right creepy.
Via Instagram @raven.george
Animal Magic

The perfect companion to the Ringmaster character – convince your bff or boyf (even better) to let you loose with face and body paints plus matching wig for the best festival selfie ever. (Whip and hoop are entirely optional)
Julia wears the Peach Angel Lace Front Wig. Kim wears the Queen Bey Afro Wig.
The Fortune Teller

One of the more feminine characters associated with the circus and conveniently on trend in regards boho hair jewels and flower crowns. Could there be a more perfect look for a summer festival?
Isabelle wears the Red Fairytale Fantasy Wig. Kristine wears the Merida Wig.
The Mime

For lovers of monochrome everywhere and with the added benefit of needing to fit only a couple of face paints in your festival case (space saving is always a priority), tweak the mime look for a cute, modern take on the circus theme. Get it right and you have a showstopper. The Incredible @faerie_blossom absolutely nails it.
Via Instagram @faerie_blossom
The Showgirl

Sure to be popular among festivalgoers with ample choice when it comes to colour and interpretation. Opt for glitter embellishments, pearls or lace and mix and match with a distinctive hair shade or block coloured wig. Have fun with clashing corsets, bustle skirts and oversized collars.
Isabelle wears the Rosie Bombshell Wig. Simone wears the Smooth Supermodel Clip In Ponytail. Emily wears the Flamingo Fizz Wig. Mira wears the Purple Lauren Wig. Sarah wears the Very Veronica Wig. Yasmin wears the Rose Gold Angel Lace Front Wig.

For a more subtle, sultry look, allow your makeup to be the focal point with bold, exaggerated shading or coordinate makeup effects with darker hair. The super talented Isabelle created these 4 stunning looks with the Retro Betty Wig, ideal for the showgirl theme.
The Acrobat

Take inspiration from Cirque du Soleil and the super talented Samantha opting for neon bright colours, avant-garde makeup designs and clashing feather hair additions.
Via Instagram @samantha_vonviper
Freak Show

Ideal for horror buffs, get your freak on and get your face paints out for some optical illusion designs sure to impress. Along with acrobats and high wire acts, Bestival promises ‘bearded freaks’ and ‘mutant jugglers’ – something we are particularly excited about.
Julia wears the Autumn Orange Wig, Blonde Revolt Wig, Silver Lauren Wig and Rosie Bombshell Wig. Nastia wears the Rose Gold Rebel Lace Front Wig.
Outside The Box

Via Instagram @amelie_makeup and @angieladebrouillarde

A more eccentric character may be in order for the extra creative, extra imaginative or anyone who is just extra. Think Strongman, Bearded Lady, Unicyclist and if you’re feeling ultra brave, Conjoined Twins!
Via Instagram @judesamyn
For heaps more circus themed inspiration, check out the fabulous featured makeup artists on Instagram and tag us in your wonderful wig pictures @star.style.wigs
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