A consistently popular theme, the 1920s era has enjoyed a further revival thanks to celebrated shows including Peaky Blinders, Boardwalk Empire and Cable Girls. We are genuinely considering adopting this theme at our next staff event in an effort to entice some Alfie Solomons and Tommy Shelby lookalikes. Worth a try right?
The Roaring 20s saw a true revolution of freedom and expression in both fashion and attitude. By the end of the ‘decade of decadence’, the beauty industry had exploded. Previously associated with working girls and performers, ‘nice girls’ began to experiment with makeup, and hairstyles sported by popular movie stars were replicated by the mainstream.
For those looking to recreate the very distinctive trends of the glamorous decades, we’ve put together a little how-to guide focusing on 1920s hairstyles and makeup.

The bob was the hairstyle of the 1920s, the shorter the better. Marcel waves, or finger waves became popular as curly hair was seen as less fashionable and ‘behind the times’. A cropped bob with feminine waves added a softness to an otherwise harsh, blunt hairstyle, very different from anything seen before.
1920s Lips
Matte red and darker shades were the most popular lipstick colours. The dramatic ‘cupid’s bow’ with defined, pointed or heart shaped upper lip was the application of choice. If you pick just one authentic 1920s makeup trend to incorporate into your look, we recommend it be this!
We love the Illamasqua matte lipstick in shades Maneater and Sangers – ideal for 1920s lips.

1920s Eyebrows
In total contrast to today’s look, eyebrows were super thin and extended past the eye. A subtle arch and downward point at the ends were added to encourage the ‘doe-eyed’ effect.

The look most synonymous with the 1920s is undoubtedly the flapper girl. Shorter dresses, lower necklines and higher heels paired with cropped hairstyles, evoked a new found energetic freedom. Most recently portrayed on screen by Carey Mulligan in The Great Gatsby, the most famous fictional flapper girl, Daisy Buchanan, sported a blonde pixie cut crop with bobbed ends.The 1920s flapper cropped hairstyle was accessorised with a bit of sparkle in the form of a headband or flapper headpiece. Online boutique Rock My Vintage has a lovely selection of 1920s style headwear.
1920s Skin
Matte skin, a shade or two lighter than your natural skin tone is a must for any 1920s / 1930s makeup look. During the decade itself, this was achieved with lots of loose powder. An even colour and texture, creating a porcelain doll effect is the aim.
1920s Blusher
The use of rouge (blusher to us common folk) in the 1920s was intended to create the desirable ‘youthful’ colour. Blending was essential to avoid any harsh lines and the product was applied high on the cheeks and buffed to the temple and towards the nose.
The sensational 1920s makeup look created by Lisa Eldridge for Colette Marchant’s character in the Dumbo movie features a beautiful ‘watercolour’ blush effect. Check out the full video tutorial:

Hollywood starlet Louise Brooks and her perfectly precise bob has become the classic perception of a flapper girl. The most striking of 1920s hairstyles with jet black, pointed hair length ends resting on the cheekbone and matching short, blunt fringe. A beautiful contrast to the pale skin and killer red lips of the decade.
Julia’s amazing 1920s black and white makeup masterpiece was cleverly created using Paradise Paints by Mehron and eyeliners by NYX. Watch the incredible transformation here:
1920s Eyes
Eyeshadow colours were chosen to match the natural eye tone in the Roaring 20s and applied on the upper lash line and into the crease. Movie stars, accustomed to filming in black and white, opted for heavier, darker shades for a more dramatic effect.
Leaning toward the drama queen persuasion ourselves, we love dramatic false eyelashes on both the top and bottom lash line to really embrace the doe-eye look popular in the 1920s. Check out Eldora’s lush range that includes under lashes.
Be sure to coordinate your 1920s makeup and hair with an outrageous attitude, worthy of the first generation of independent women!
All beauty products listed are certified cruelty free xx